
PositiveVibes T.O offer workshops that address issues affecting Black youth and young adults, between the ages of 13-29, in their daily lives. We provide in-house as well as offer workshops to other agencies and organizations in which we modify to cater to the needs of their youth. We also design workshops specifically at the request of an agency/organization for their youth. If you would like to request workshop services, please fill out this form. Below are a few workshops that we offer (not limited to), based on popularity.

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Black Identity

This workshop allows Black youth and young adults to look at themselves as more than just “Black people” and explore their identity and learn to love themselves for who they are, even if they may not adhere to societal and cultural standards of “what it means to be Black.”

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Portrayal of Black Bodies in the Media

This workshop looks at how Black people are portrayed in the media. We explore film, advertisements, tv shows, movies and more. We discuss how these ideologies and depictions of us affect us in every day life.

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Dealing with Mental Health, Stress & Racial Trauma

This workshop addresses the every day battle of being a Black person in a white dominated society, and how it affects our mental health. We look at ways to cope and heal from these stressors and racial trauma.

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Sexual Health

This workshops was developed to directly address the increasing rates of Black individuals, especially women, contracting STI’s and HIV. This workshop looks at the culture of sexual relations within black communities, along with the lack of education and awareness, and teaches youth and young adults the implications of unprotected sex.

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This workshop explores colourism, “the cousin of racism” in Black culture and the discrimination and division that happens within our own community.

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Building and Sustaining Healthy Relationships

This workshop allows youth and young adults to reflect on the current relationships they have, and explore new ways of building long lasting healthy relationships.

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Black History

This workshop teaches youth the side of Black History that was never taught in school.

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When racism and sexism meet. The Mysogynoir workshop looks at society’s treatment of Black women, the roots and causes of mysogynoir, and explore how this affects our day to day lives.

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Stereotypes & Microagressions

This workshop looks at the history and development of negative and “positive” stereotypes within the Black Community. We consider how it creates biases and works to perpetuate racism, microagressions and more.