About Us

We are dedicated to doing our part as a community and proving support to Black youth and young adults through education, collaboration and expression so that they can excel in their communities and overcome obstacles.  Through our efforts to educate, we provide workshops and programming for youth ages 13-29 that focus on various topics and issues within Black communities. We emphasize the importance of expression and cultivate spaces for youth voices to be heard and engage them in meaningful and impactful conversation.  We partner with different organizations and community members to re/connect youth with their communities and  provide resources and additional supports. 


PVTO started in 2018 when our founder felt a need to create a space for Black voices after experiencing institutional racism within her undergrad program. A space that acknowledged the various backgrounds and experiences of Black bodies, and fostered healing and meaningful dialogue. Her family jumped on board to help, creating an organization that values family and community which is continuously shown throughout all engagements.



We work to cultivate spaces for the voices of Black youth and young adults to be heard and provide them with the supports they need to excel in their communities and overcome their obstacles.


Black youth and young adults reach their fullest potential and thrive in their communities and lives.

Our Values

Black Representation

We recognize that Black culture and Black voices are not always represented in white dominated spaces and everyday society. We ensure that are spaces are Black positive and filled with content that showcase and highlight Black culture, Black experiences and Black voices.


We emphasize the importance of using healthy and impactful ways to express and provide spaces for Black voices to be heard, while engaging youth in meaningful conversation.

We teach youth that their voices are important and powerful.


We believe youth are strong, resilient and have the means to succeed. We empower Black youth through education, conversation and shared resources.


We strongly believe in collaboration and recognize that in order to be successful in our mission, we need to work together with community organizations, members and partners to better support Black youth and young adults.


About Sounds From The 6ix (SFT6)

Sounds From the 6ix is our annual summer kick-off event that highlights the art, urban culture and narrative of local artists within the GTA. From spoken word to hip-hop and Afrobeats, Sounds From The 6ix brings various types of genres and performing arts to the stage! We give artists opportunities to display their talents in front of a large audience, broaden their fan base, network and meet new people. Sounds From the 6ix provides an experience that fuses community and entertainment. We prioritize supporting the voices of racialized individuals and use this platform to promote community involvement and social inclusion.